Folk methods of fistula treatment — harm or benefit?

0-2 minutes
Updated: 06.06.2024

The term «fistula» refers to the development of a channel, or passage, that connects a cavity inside the body with the outside surface of the body or another organ. This development is a complication of the inflammatory process in tissues and can occur when a cavity filled with pus forms, surrounded by connective tissue. According to the principle of least resistance, the pus may then find its way out through the formed channel, either onto the outside or into another organ. If the inflammation persists, the walls of the passage may not heal properly and remain open, covered by epithelium.

In most cases, the treatment for such an anatomical defect involves surgical removal followed by tissue plasty. Using folk remedies to treat fistulas usually does not produce a sufficient therapeutic effect and, in fact, can lead to the development of various complications.


Depending on the localization of the pathological course, several types of fistulas are distinguished, which include:

  • Intestinal fistula — the most commonly formed is a canal connecting the rectal cavity to the skin surface of the perineal area.
  • Pararectal fistula — is a channel that connects the area of pathologic inflammatory process of perirectal tissue and the skin surface of the perineum.
  • Umbilical fistula — often forms in newborn babies after an umbilical infection.
  • Esophageal and gastric fistula — the canal connects the cavity of these organs to each other.

There are also congenital strokes, they are the result of improper laying of the organ during intrauterine development of the fetus.

Surgical treatment

The main goal of stroke treatment is to remove the affected area. This can be done using open surgery or laparoscopic techniques. After the affected area has been removed, tissue repair is performed using sutures to prevent it from reforming. Additionally, drug therapy is necessary to prevent complications. This includes the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. It is not true that if a fistula develops, treatment with folk remedies alone will be effective.

How to treat fistula with natural remedies?

With the help of folk remedies, it is impossible to completely eliminate the pathological condition. Most methods involve the use of various medicinal substances with anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the inflammatory response and its symptoms, such as pain, to a certain extent. However, the fistula itself does not go away, so there is a high risk of recurrence of inflammation or infection. Therefore, any traditional treatment method for fistulas is a risk factor for developing complications.

Inflammatory pathological processes in the rectum and surrounding tissues can often lead to the formation of a channel that connects these areas with each other or the surface of the skin. Treatment for a rectal fistula often involves the use of plants such as olive oil, aloe vera, and St. John's wort, which are used in the form of infusions or compresses applied to the affected area. However, self-treatment with these remedies can sometimes lead to complications, such as additional infections or chemical burns from alcohol infusions.
